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Promoting the Flow of Healing

What is Homeopathy?

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician, is credited with initiating a system of healing we know as homeopathy. Taken from the Greek words homoios meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering, homeopathy is based on the principle that ‘like cures like.’

Homeopathy has its roots in the ancient practice of potentizing medicines to enliven them. It also treats illness with remedies capable of producing similar symptoms in healthy individuals when given in massive doses, a principle called proving. Homeopathy treats the deepest levels of the vital force, while promoting body's inherent natural ability through the similar properties of individual remedies. 


Homeopathy asserts that the most important location in the body is one's mind. When the mind is in order, there is harmony in the deepest internal levels of the body. Healing proceeds from within outwards; from the most important to the least important location. The most important being the mind, and the least important is the surface, or the skin. Disease travels from the least important location to the most important location. The goal of Homeopathy is to promote the natural ability of the body to follow this inherent design of healing. 

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