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"My boyfriend was in a major motorcycle accident this summer. We turned to Dr Safdar to help in his recovery and with his pain. With several sessions over a few weeks, he was on his way to healing and his pain was decreased. The next orthopedic appointment, his bones were healed and he was able to remove his braces and start to resume normal activities. Thank you for helping speed the recovery!" JF

"Asim has shown himself to be a practitioner above and beyond. I had some amazing results with his treatments and he finds a way to get to the root of problems. He is a third-generation practitioner and I feel he brings the benefit of generations of experience to his patients." WI

"Asim treated me with Acupuncture on several occasions- each time he had great instincts; kind and respectful bed side manor; and always explained the treatment in layman’s terms." JW

"I had issues sleeping throughout the night and decided to get acupuncture from Safdar Healing. After about 4 weeks of treatments, my sleep started getting much better. I now sleep very well throughout the night and I am calm and relaxed during the day." TP

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